Rebuilding burnt bridges

As the year draws to an end and the holiday season is almost over, we are encouraged to reflect upon the year we have had and make resolutions for 2015. Now we have begun the new year and I am well under way with my own resolutions (run more, eat better, make the most of […]

Luggage Life

Many things have changed in my life since I last posted. Seasons have changed, as have I and I’m currently back at home from university for the summer. Friends have come and gone (mainly gone unfortunately) and I’ve been quite lonely back in a place where I once felt very secure. I’ve started a placement […]

Change happens…

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”- Anthony Robbins Everyone has those ‘fat days’ where they feel chubby and awful about themselves. After a very stressful time, and a fair amount of chocolate later, I decided that I wanted to lose the weight I’d put on […]