Rebuilding burnt bridges

As the year draws to an end and the holiday season is almost over, we are encouraged to reflect upon the year we have had and make resolutions for 2015. Now we have begun the new year and I am well under way with my own resolutions (run more, eat better, make the most of every opportunity, and smile/laugh at least once a day- in case you were wondering).

However, whilst reflecting back on the year I’ve had, I realised it’d been a year of loss. Not in regards to death itself particularly, but the death of relationships. I have lost childhood friends, university friends and my first love.

Now, I’m not saying this has made my year a failure. Ive passed my second year of university with a 2:1 and secured an amazing internship at one of the most prestigious companies in my field. I have some amazing friends who I’ve shared some incredible experiences with. I’ve created great relationships with my co-workers and been more confident in my professional life. I’ve gone on holidays and relaxed in the sunshine with a big smile on my face and an even bigger cocktail. I’ve travelled to Paris multiple times for work. I’ve become more self-confident generally.

However, all of these things can sometimes pale in comparison to what I’ve lost. So what I was really wondering was… can burnt bridges be rebuilt?

If I reach out to these people who I haven’t spoken to in months, will they be willing to repair a broken relationship? Will they listen to what I have to say? Will they want to hear an apology or give one in return? We can hope that sometimes all that is needed is some time apart to really make you appreciate when someone comes back into your life. Except… how do you know if they will welcome you back into their lives or not?

Obviously you will not share the same level of relationship as before. But can you become friends again with you old childhood mates? Can you reconnect with your university friends when you are not in that environment with them? And can you become friends with the first person you ever loved, who also broke your heart?

All I can say from my reflection is that I wouldn’t be adverse to it. It may be painful, awkward and generally a bit daunting at times. But I hate to think that the time you spent together was worthless or that you cannot rebuild what was lost. After all, doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?!

Till next time,

J xx

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